Thursday, June 5, 2008

Pat Buchanan is a Retarded Puppet

Pat Buchanan is a Retarded Sodomite Puppet

Here is Pat Buchanan's article. My response follows.

Munich, 1938 by Patrick Buchanan

When President Bush, before the Knesset, used the word "appeasement" to label those who would negotiate with Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, he invoked the most powerful analogy in any debate over war and peace. No man wishes to be regarded as an "appeaser." But, as this writer has discovered since my book "Churchill, Hitler and The Unnecessary War: How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World" was launched Memorial Day, there is a deep well of ignorance about what happened that September, 70 years ago. Why did Neville Chamberlain go to Munich? How did Munich lead to World War II? The seeds of the crisis were planted at the Paris peace conference of 1919. There, the victorious Allies carved the new nation of Czechoslovakia out of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. But instead of following their principle of self-determination, the Allies placed under the rule of 7 million Czechs 3 million Germans, 3 million Slovaks, 800,000 Hungarians, 150,000 Poles and 500,000 Ruthenians. These foolish decisions spat upon Woodrow Wilson's 14 Points, under the terms of which the Germans, Austrians and Hungarians had laid down their arms. By 1938, Germany had arisen, re-armed and brought Austria into the Reich, and was demanding the right of self-determination now be granted to the 3 million Germans in Czechoslovakia, who were clamoring to be free of Prague to rejoin their kinsmen. Britain had no alliance with, and no obligation to fight for, the Czechs. But France did. And Britain feared that if Adolf Hitler used force to bring the Sudeten Germans back to German rule, France might fight. And if France declared war, Britain would be drawn in, and a second bloodbath would ensue as it had in 1914. Chamberlain went to Munich because he did not believe that keeping 3 million Germans inside a nation to which they had been consigned against their will was worth a world war. Moreover, Britain was unprepared for war. She had no draft, no Spitfires, no divisions ready to be sent to France. Why should the British Empire commit suicide by declaring war on Germany, to support a Paris peace agreement that he, Chamberlain, believed had been unjustly and dishonorably imposed on a defeated Germany? Chamberlain believed not -- and, after three trips to Germany that September, he effected the transfer of the Sudeten Germans to Berlin's rule, where they wished to be. He came home in triumph to be hailed as the greatest peacemaker of all time. Why, then, are "Munich" and "appeasement" terms of obloquy? The answer lies in what happened next. Chamberlain returned from Munich to a rapturous reception, waving a paper he and Hitler had signed, and declared: "For the second time in 60 years, a British prime minister has returned from Germany with peace with honor. I believe it is peace for our time." This was palpable nonsense. Hitler had already turned to the next item on his menu, Danzig, a city of 350,000 Germans, detached from the Reich at Versailles and made a Free City to give the new Poland an outlet to the sea. Hitler did not want war with Poland. Indeed, he wanted the kind of alliance with Poland he had with Italy. But, first, Danzig must be resolved. Here, too, the British Government agreed: Danzig should be returned. For of all the amputations of German lands and peoples at Versailles, European statesmen, even Winston Churchill, regarded Danzig and the Polish Corridor that sliced Germany in two as the most outrageous. The problem was the Poles, who refused to discuss Danzig. Then, in March, Czechoslovakia suddenly began to fall apart. The Sudetenland had been annexed by Germany. Hungary had taken back its lost lands, and Poland had annexed the disputed region of Teschen. Slovakia and Ruthenia now moved to declare independence, and Prague began to march on the provinces. Hitler intervened to guarantee the independence of Slovakia and gave Hungary a green light to re-annex Ruthenia. Czech President Hacha then asked to see Hitler, who bullied him for three hours into signing away Czech sovereignty and making his nation the German Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. Chamberlain, now humiliated, mocked by Tory back-benchers, panicking over wild false rumors of German attacks on Romania and Poland, made the greatest blunder in British history. Unasked, he issued a war guarantee to Poland, empowering a Polish dictatorship of colonels that had joined Hitler in dismembering Czechoslovakia to drag the British Empire into war with Germany over a city, Danzig, the British thought should be returned to Germany. It was not Munich. It was the war guarantee that guaranteed the war that brought down the Empire, and gave us the Holocaust, 50 million dead and the Stalinization of half of Europe.

Buchanan and the UK of Hades, by Patrick M. Griffin

Buchanan is a retarded sodomite puppet of Her Majesty's Government and the jews. His book "Churchill, Hitler and The Unnecessary War: How Britain Lost Its Empire and the West Lost the World", is another airheaded attempt to distract people from the terrorism of ZOG and further it's horrors. Notice how the puppet Buchanan connects Britain losing its Empire with the West losing the world, which is nonsense. Why would Buchanan be thunk to do this? It's digusting, so take a breath. The UK was the attempt by Her Majesty's Government to "secure" the world as Hades. What does that have to do with the West? The "West" was to be a sexual playground, a high-tech Hades, for all those of Hades who had helped to destroy the World and make the West. It was East hope. The movie "Westworld", starring Yul Brynner (you'll be our inner?), released November 21, 1973, written by Michael Crichton, promises this "Herbalife" vacation to those on the contract. Who were they? Well, the British Invasion, launched on February 7, 1964 with the Beatles arrival in New York, and continuing through the 1980's with acts such as Boy George and Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou, who is better known as George Michael, was the attempt to construct this abomination, and they attempted to con any dumb Yanks they could(1). Unable to capture Patrick M. Griffin in 1990, even with the sexual talents of Kiersten "Kiester" Jones, Her Majesty's Government retreated to their high-tech Hades to enjoy a decade of sexual contacts and other abominations. They even killed Princess Diana to get h/er doing sexual contacts 24/7, although the real reason is because the waiting list was so long, and Diana is kouros girl (2). The logic there? If you know it's a shell game, a ssshhh hell game, and you play, then you pay (3). Now the UK, the diasporic space of sodomy worldwide, is surrounded, and including Westworld. So why is Buchanan continuing to write Mein Kampf? It's simple: Buchanan, a puppet just like Adolf "Shicklgruber" Hitler, is being used to threaten the United States of America, and the United Nations of the World, to not take action against his puppetmaster. America should be isolationist, and allow the death camp Nazism of AIDS/HIV, smallpox, malaria, etc., etc., to continue because we are just a country, and only the UK [had] be-en an Empire(4)(5). So what do we learn from the thunk-stunk jibberish/nonsense of a puppet like Buchanan? Hades is worried the US and the UN will take action to destroy Hades, and is threatening that to do so will result in the destruction of the US and the UN. Sound absurd? You'd be horrified at some of the ramblings of crack whores on oracle(6).

(1). See:
(2). A kouros girl is a sodomite that was first born a man, but was determined to be a more feminine sodomite (perhaps more masochistic), and was then reborn out of Hades in the body of a female. See:
(3). See:
(4). Please donate to this charity to help defeat malaria:
(5). Buchanan is obviously referring to an earlier book, "A Republic, Not an Empire: Reclaiming America's Destiny". See: (6).

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